Thursday, September 23, 2010

a midsummer's night's realization--interpretation

Dear Reader,

This was I, prior to college, prior to a lot of living and learning. This was I, the summer before freshman year at college when times were sweet and my load was easy. Really, things changed a lot when I went to college and I started to realize that life is a little bit hard and things do take a little bit of work in order to succeed. This was a first real sort of relationship, or strong friendship I ever had. This was my first kiss and my first time holding hands in bliss. I was not nervous, but rather I was confident with her; life honestly revolved around our strong bond that we shared.

I guess this is all to say that we both fell in love fast and hard. It was hard saying goodbye, because every time we said hello something beautiful happened. She had a simple soul and I liked that. The complication sorrounding relationship wasn't there; our families were friends (although my mom didn't like that I liked her and there was a tension being Austin liked her too) and things just went well. That's why my lyrics were so simple--because, really, we were simple people. I learned a lot about what true love is after I left for school. For a while, I made the efforts to keep in touch and I stayed on the phone for hours sometimes when she had a bad day. I guess I learned how to treat somebody even when you don't see them any more. And even though my song says, "our epilogue will soon be through, " we still talk (not very often) regardless that the strong feelings have died down. She's had a few boyfriends since and that's cool. I'm happy for her :). I know that when I find my true love, she'll be ecstatic for me too!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Dear reader,

The setting of this mystical, fantastical walk is not far from home. At college, this very walk took place in the woods/around campus. It was a walk that really changed my perspective regarding a girl.

One night, during finals, she and I took a stroll to help minimize stress and alleviate potential pent-up energy explosions. It was purely fun; we climbed a few roofs (which is totally against the rules) and we were almost caught! However, what I believe to be the most shocking part of this night is really seeing this girl let loose, I suppose. She is a little bit of a worrier and tries to be very "proper" in everything she does. However we climbed trees and stayed up almost all night together. We're just friends, but this here walk (which I narrate in this song) brought us much closer together as friends; such that a few awkward exchanged glances ensued in the days to come. We didn't fall in love (in case anyone's wondering) , and hey, that's sometimes a good thing... especially when neither she nor I were ready for it.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

a solemn ode--interpretation

Dear reader,

This is actually a two part song written over the course of eight months. Really it took only two days to write, just the two days were separated by an eight month gap and the two joint parts had different inspiration.

It's funny how fickle a human can be. Anyone who keeps a diary of any sort knows that he/she is not the most intelligent creature, or at least wasn't always. Writing songs has helped me realize that I can't really follow my heart and let it lead me in important decisions beacuse it is so double (if not triple etc.) minded and ever changing. Now I like to think that I am wiser that I used to be, but I thought the same thing a year ago (when the evidence (my diary) shows I wasn't). At least I am wise enough now to not chase rainbows.

This song really talks about coming to a decision, a hard one that you really don't want to see through. Like breaking up with someone: it's easy to have a conversation with your best friend and decide that it's best to break up with someone you're truly in love with but when you come face-to-face with him/her, it's suddenly comlicated again. And so time just moves along. In this song, or at least the second half which has the main story, there was something I wanted to say to a girl and every time I went to say it she'd say something first. After we'd finish, I'd either walk away or watch her walk away thinking 'next time.'

Eventually we did end up talking and everything was worked out. No more confusion, closure at last, restful sleep again, haha.


the a long sing-a-long song--interpretation

Dear reader,

Everyone can relate to this, eh? So why not sing-a-long? That was my mentality; everyone at one time or another seriously thinks about his or her future with: a. someone they're dating b. someone they'd like to date. For me, it was a friend of mine at the time. At college, I got to know her quite well and so many times I had to question what I was in it for, friendship or something different. On many occasions I got fed up of trying so hard to get her to like me.

Luckily, for me, I learned sooner than later that the feeling weren't reciprocated and there wasn't much of a chance for change. This, of course, is just the way it happens sometimes so I have no hard feelings, just a few memories. It's funny how a person can get attached to a person like that, especially between two good friends. So this is just an anthem, which takes pride in rejection (of any form). Like, say you just meet a new kid at school and you want to be his friend, but he's ignoring your every effort. Well "sometimes I just want you outta my head" so there.


postcards from spain--interpretation

Dear reader,

As the song begins, so was my experience at the time: far from home and spending each night on a sinking air matress. It really wasn't that bad. I was staying in Milton, England with my great aunt and uncle, who really aren't old and hardly qualify as being generation-grandparents.

I'll continue... at their house, I was having quite a rubbish holiday until I decided I'd let myself have a good time. All experience is subjective and attitude basically defines your expereince. This is when I realized that I really didn't have it half-bad and despite any adverse happenstance I was going to have a great vacation, which in the end, I did.

As for the actual song, it's a theological song with deep meaning--at least I think so. It's been cliched that humans are citizens of heaven renting fleshly vessels, which they will return to the earth and upgrade when they've finished their holiday called life. (This plays part in the "making your mind up you'll have a good holiday" quite nicely). But sometimes, especially when you're feeling under the weather, you feel like you aren't at home. For such times, there are such sweet reminders that we are not only not alone, but also that God makes His very dwelling place in us!

1 John 4:13 We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit (NIV). Take a very serious thought about that!


my capo's stuck--interpretation

Dear reader,

This is one of my more nonsensical songs, which I derive much farsical pleasure from. Spongebob happens to be one of my favorite television shows and when I wrote it my little sister and Austin were insisting on watching Phinneas and Ferb..... now, I'm a lover and not a fighter so what do I do.... I write a song about it (haha). Silly pacifistic me would on any other occasion wage war for the remote control, but this time I used a different outlet for my negative energy.

So there the song started off, me thinking about Spongebob... then I tried to express how this subject could be broadened and made more applicable. I went for the making a fable/parable/proverb approach. When I realized (in the second verse) that I was failing miserably, I decided that I would take an easier route. I then proceeded to allow rhyming words and patterns to contagiously make their way through my imagination and into my song.

I wrote this on July 8, 2009 oringially in the key of F. It's in common time, tempo around 115. Writing it turned my day right around, so the exact thing the song professed was proved. As silly as it sounds in retrospect "rainstorms never last." haha
